Black Gully Music Festival 2022
10am SAT NOV 9th

Every year Armidale folk gather at Black Gully (behind NERAM) to celebrate community, music and biodiversity
Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.
Lightbulb Moments
Take control of your electrical use & costs with this Resource Guide Online PDF and Print PDF for welfare agencies to assist clients, colleagues and community.

Making Super Sustainable

Some $1.6 trillion is invested in Australia’s superannuation funds.

The Climate Institute have released a publication, Climate Smart Super: Understanding Superannuation Climate Risk, with information for superannuants to learn more about their funds are managed and how to engage with them on the investments made on their behalf.

The report highlights both how super can help transition Australia to a clean energy future as well as how super savings can be exposed to climate change risks.

Read Climate Smart Super: Understanding Superannuation Climate Risk
Re-post of How Australians can protect their super from climate change by ReNew Economy

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