Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.
Lightbulb Moments
Take control of your electrical use & costs with this Resource Guide Online PDF and Print PDF for welfare agencies to assist clients, colleagues and community.

Follow up: Is SLA living a small town fantasy?

Friday, 21 Feb
11:00 pm
After another stirring forum, where nearly everybody spoke, Annette encouraged people to respond to this green paper. From Annette:

There is an opportunity right now to have input to the  design of the Direct Action policy, by responding to the consultation on the Emissions Reduction Fund Green Paper

Comments due 21 February.
Suggested points to make:
  • It is important to fund action that will deliver abatement in long term not just short term
  • Funds should be shared amongst the sectors to create a portfolio of abatement measures  (ie across residential, commercial building, transport, stationary energy, industry, agriculture, forestry)
  • Consideration should be given to co-benefits   – environmental and social – when comparing bids
  • In recognition that we cannot avert all impacts of climate change even if emissions are stopped today, and therefore adaptation will be required, consideration should be given to activities that simultaneously support mitigation and adaptation (such as building soil carbon)
  • Goal should be to support increased sustainability, such as through investment in low-carbon infrastructure (energy, transport and buildings sectors), to deliver cost-effective long term abatement.
As the Department of the Environment is inviting public comment towards development of this policy, a response would seem to me to be well within the charter of SLA.
Individual members may also be interested to respond.

Comments are closed.