Social enterprise can transform your business and your community! Discover how businesses of all types can create positive social change and economic diversity by re-thinking the way they operate.
The 2013 Social Enterprise Symposium is a one-day exchange of ideas and innovation which aims to promote awareness and education in social enterprise development. The Symposium’s speakers have been drawn from an outstanding national talent pool of professionals in the field, with exceptional knowledge in start-ups and social finance.
Symposium speakers include:
Cheryl Kernot | Centre for Social Impact, UNSW
Mark Daniels | Social Traders
Ben Jefferys | School for Social Entrepreneurs
Steve Williams | Queensland Social Enterprise Council
Belinda Drew | Foresters Community Finance
Ben Jeffreys | School for Social Entrepreneurs
Les Hems | Tomorrows Agenda Foundation, Net Balance
Register and find out more at the Northern Rivers Social Development Council