While many countries still discuss whether or not a 100% renewable energy system – or “just” a 100% renewable electricity supply – is even theoretically possible, Germans seem no longer bothered by such unscientific doubts.
To showcase what we know about what is possible, here are the top 3 out of 295 Landkreise (Counties / administrative districts) in terms of the renewable share in their regional power mix:
- Dithmarschen ~ 280% renewable electricity
- Prignitz ~ 261% renewable electricity
- Nordfriesland ~ 260% renewable electricity
Those three counties are obviously just the tip of the renewable energyberg. The list of 100–200% renewable counties is longer!
These renewable energy successes of the last decade were mainly driven by some pioneering regions, counties, and municipalities. These local communities moved forward with conviction, while many others have remained dormant willingly or hindered by state governments that blocked investments by passing arbitrary anti-renewable regulations in favor of conventional power companies.
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Source: REnew Economy