Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Dead Letter Circus: No Fracking Way tour

Rock band to play at The Stro (University Of New England),

w/ Closure in Moscow and Wolves

DEAD LETTER CIRCUS is on tour to “say no” to Coal Seam Gas operations in Australia.  Here’s what DEAD LETTER CIRCUS have to say.

Every day we take drinking fresh water for granted, water is as essential as clean air to life on earth. Protecting these two natural resources must be the highest priority to sustain life on planet earth and to protect the planet for future generations to come.

If you’ve seen the ‘Gasland’ documentary you’ll know the many risks attached to coal seam gas (CSG) operations. For those who haven’t caught the doco, CSG is a fossil fuel and a significant source of greenhouse gas pollution. On a lifecycle basis it generates more than 40 times the amount of greenhouse gas per unit of energy generated than solar or wind energy. What you may not be aware of is the fact that there are plans to drill more than 40,000 CSG wells in Queensland alone.

We are experiencing the early stages of an industry that has a massively destructive impact on local land and communities, as well as an enormous greenhouse footprint. Dead Letter Circus firmly believe that Australia needs to follow France’s lead and say no to CSG operations and the method of Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking), a controversial technique used to extract natural gas and oil trapped in underground rock formations by injecting a mixture of water, sand and toxic chemicals at high pressure to crack open the rock and release the fossil fuels. Fracking places our water at direct risk of contamination.

Dead Letter Circus will be raising awareness towards this issue during their Aug/Sept tour. There will be a petition for punters to sign and information available for anyone who is interested in learning how they can further help prevent this destructive method gaining a foothold in Australia.

For more info on the environmental consequences of CSG please visit and if you wish to help join the Lock The Gate Alliance.

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