Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

SLA celebrates the end of a good year


The popular Tuesday Forum series held by Sustainable Living Armidale (SLA) will wind up the year on December 7th with an open gathering that’s more of a party than a forum.

“We’ve had a very active year, with participation in big community events like SLEX and the Autumn Festival Parade, our monthly Tuesday Forums, our Home Grown Garden Tour, and the launch of our e-magazine SLAM,” said SLA Convenor Joc Coventry, “so we think it’s a good idea to celebrate.”

Sustainable Living Armidale (SLA) is a group of people committed to exploring ways to improve our community’s resilience in the face of the twin challenges of peak oil and climate change.

The Tuesday Forums in 2010 have included film showings: Australia Pumping Empty and Dirt The Movie; guest speakers on topics including the health of Dumaresq Creek, the future of energy production, agriculture and climate change and the international climate project. In addition there have been discussions on local food production, a local exchange trading scheme, and the psychology of change.

“Many people are involved in SLA activities,” said Joc, “we have separate groups for different interests, so the local food people go ahead and organise the Home Grown Garden Tour, and have a produce stall at the Farmers’ Market, and run workshops on food production. Meanwhile the Energy people worked with Council to get the solar panels on the Visitor Centre, and are now participating with other organisations in a feasibility study for a community wind farm. The Heart and Soul Group worked with others in the community to run a recent workshop ‘Awakening the Dreamer’, and they held gatherings to explore the psychological, spiritual and consciousness aspects of transition. Another group is focused on local transport.”

This year has also seen a new logo as the result of a community-wide competition, a re-vamped website and an e-magazine.

Everyone is welcome. Tuesday 7th December at 7pm, at Kent House, Faulkner Street. Gold coin donation.

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