Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

New England Land Theatre Forums

Come and be a part of this opportunity for rural landholders and townspeople to explore ways to improve land and water management – together

Armidale Friday 3 December 6.30—9.30 pm at Kent House, 141 Faulkner St

Uralla Saturday 4 December 6.30—9.30 pm at McCrossins Mill, 24-28 Salisbury St

As we have become a more urban society, many Australians no longer have country cousins or direct links with people who live on the land. One of the effects of this is that we don’t really understand each other’s viewpoints, as we have seen with highly charged public de-bates about topics such as water entitlements, property rights and vegetation management .

These Land Theatre Forums are an innovative way of facilitating communication about sus-tainable land management between land managers and townspeople. Participants will be able to discuss the issues involved and develop solutions to these issues.

How will it work?

Forum Theatre uses interactive theatre to stimulate discussion about current issues.

The Land Theatre Forums will start with a short play highlighting issues relevant to land man-agement. A facilitated discussion follows, and audience members are encouraged to partici-pate in developing alternative solutions to the problems which have been presented. The play is run a second time with audience members taking over from actors at appropriate times and directing the play in another direction. The actors attempt to stick to the original script or intention. Discussion and dialogue is possible at any time. Refreshments available.

Forum theatre – discussing important issues in a relaxing and entertaining setting

Further Information and RSVP

Ian Perkins, ALM Group



The forums are being run by Australian Land Management Group, a not-for-profit organisation established by landholders to improve environmental and related economic and social outcomes in ways that improve their wellbeing and that of their communities and landscapes.

NUMBERS ARE LIMITED. RSVP Ian Perkins 1 December

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