Armidale Vegetable Sowing Guide
This guide shows planting time periods that should allow you to get a crop in Armidale.

Visualising Woodlands: Understanding the biodiversity of woodlands through science and art

Woodlands make up a large part of the vegetation of New England. This exhibition, an International Year of Biodiversity event, looks at different elements of woodlands through the eyes of scientists, artists, land managers and performers. Featuring works from 10 prominent local artists, and specimens from the University of New England N.C.W. Beadle Herbarium and Zoology Museum, the exhibition highlights the beauty, diversity and fragility of New England’s woodlands. Presented by the Armidale Tree Group, the University of New England and EcoArts Australis with funding from the International Year of Biodiversity.

At The Woodland Centre

Armidale Tree Group 80 Mann Street Armidale (running 30 Oct to 6 Dec 2010)

Exhibition opening:

  • 6pm, Saturday 30 October, 2010. RSVP: 02 6771 1620

Artists include: Kerry Wilson, Fay Porter, David Allan, Andrew Parker, Mick Jarochowicz, Marty Branagan, Arthur Chaffey and Bob Roden. All works will be available for sale.

Jointly presented and sponsored by

  • Armidale Tree Group
  • 2010 International Year of Biodiversity
  • University of New England

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